Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What's on my brain this very second...

I am having way too much fun watching the pageviews. What a jump in numbers over the past couple of days. I guess I should write more interesting stuff so people will want to come back over and over again. I would assume there is a direct correlation between the blog views and the fact that when I google C.L. LeMay, the THREE CROSSES pops up now. That was sooooo cool to see yesterday. Ok, I need to get onto yahoo. I have some emails to throw out before shower time. I'lll be back...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Marketing and other stuff

I went by Barnes & Noble yesterday and spoke to one of the managers about putting up a flyer on their bulletin board - a flyer that offers to visit any book group that reads THREE CROSSES. Do an author Q & A kind of thing. She seemed pleased that I am a local author and wanted to post something about that and not just some flyer about nothing to do with B & N. Anyway, she gave me the business card for their public relations manager. I have to contact her to advertise on their bulletin board. It got me nervous - I am actually doing things (albeit, not much yet) that will promote my book and I realize that in order for me to sell myself to her, I need to boost my B & N sales. I need to get more reviews and more "I Like..." on Facebook.
So...if you haven't bought the book yet, buy it. If you haven't read the book yet, read it. If you haven't reviewed the book yet, review it on or If you haven't thumbs up on Facebook yet, you it. Thank you and please. And pleeeease, pass this on to all your friends (and associates).

On a second note: I would like to know which book you would like to see me work on next. 1. Working title: Along Black River - same locale as THREE CROSSES. It is the story that Simon refers to at the end of THREE CROSSES. or 2. Working Title (most likely not the final title): A Miracle for Mackenzie - think Barbara Delinksy (my pen name on my women's/romance books is Catherine Lee). And of course there is COVET - which I would really like to work on as well. Some of you have already read the 1st draft of that one and have really enjoyed it. Oh, decisions, decisions.
If you have a preference, let me know. If you can't send a comment, then click "Funny" in the reaction line if you want Along Black River or click "Interesting" if you want A Miracle for Mackenzie.

I need to figure out if I can add other reactions. Someone suggested a simple "LIKE" would be a good reaction to click. I agree.

Look at the clock - craaaap! I am out of time to be writing/blogging again!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Split knuckles

OK, probably not the most appropriate place to discuss my split knuckles but since I am not aaalloooowed to discuss them at home anymore - apparently I have reached the whining zone of complaint (very likely possibility) - here I am discussing them on my blog. They are ridiculous though! Spontaneous bleeding. Feeling the skin rip when I bend my knuckles (Hey Ria, did I spell spontaneous correctly? - really? This thing doesn't have a spellcheck). One of my pinkies is actually infected and the knuckle is twice it's normal size. I have a perfect sideways T in blood infused 3D embedded in the knuckle. Neosporin. Bandaids. Lotion. More lotion. I think I finally have them healed and then the other night, not one split but three all at once. My hands look like something that belong in a SciFi movie. Whew. I think I feel better. Hmmm...yes. Yes I think I do. Plus it helped that I got a little Mommy like sympathy at work today when one of my coworkers spied the swollen mess (ok, she didn't actually spy it, I showed it to her. Oooohhh, poor baby!) At least I know I am whiney. Whiny? Which is it?

Ok, off that topic. I shall proceed to writing. But...not right now. Gotta run. Will check in later. And thanks again for cranking my pageviews up today ya'll. :)


What a jump in pageviews! Thank you guys! I went from 188 this morning to 304 by 12:30 this afternoon. This is sooooo cool. Makes me really want to keep posting and writing. Is anyone else having trouble posting comments? Someone told me this morning that she couldn't post a comment. Let me know. And thanks for using the reaction line. Love seeing that! I feel inspired again!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday morning ramblings...

I wonder what the protocol is for epublishing short stories. Is there a page minimum for adult short stories? Do I have to submit as an anthology? Perhaps I will look into this. Or not. Who the heck knows what I will do. Still waking up the brain. When I was in the routine of getting up early to write on a novel, I would start my routine with a cup (or 6) of coffee or tea and just type away whatever was on my brain - including nonsense. It was an exercise that got the old brain into gear. Writing on the blog has a similiar effect. Although I edit my thoughts a lot more when I am blogging - certian things don't need to be published for other eyes.

Another writing activity I like is to write, write, write (in pencil on paper) and then set the paper ablaze. Toss it in the fireplace. It allows me to write anything - no matter how mean, sad, pathetic and then destroy the evidence. It gives me the opportunity to unlock any self-editing that I impose upon myself. If I don't have to worry that someone will peer into my private thoughts or use my words against me, then it's amazing what will come forth from my noggin. Is that how you spell noggin?

I could do this for hours - just write whatever comes to my brain. The scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz just popped into my head. If only I had a brain...And now my boss comes to mind. She says that if she had a brain, she would be dangerous. Haha! Comic relief at work is a good thing. Thank goodness she gets that concept - gives the ole workday a recharge when needed.

Ok, blah, blah, blah. On and on I could continue but here I am approaching the "to do" part of my day. But hey, it's FRIDAY!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

More Brain Ramblings

I love my computer. She is such a good girl. I could hang out with her all day and be happy. I love the way the keys sound when I tap on them. I love the way they feel when I tap on them. But I hate that I get on the computer and my brian wants to go in one direction - MS Word to write and there is just not enough time. I know which book I want to work on and the characters, especially the lead character, are waving their arms in an attempt to get my attention. "Hello guys! I see you. I hear you. I'm coming!"

And by the way, loquacious does mean "talk too much!" It was funny to read your email to the question, Pamela. It looked like you were implying that I talk too much! Haha! We know how ridiculous that observation is!

Feeling a little bummed because my sales have slowed to a near halt. How do I get the word out? I know there is a period of time until the word gets out on its own but my brain is telling me that the book is not good enough for people to pass on to others. Whah, whah! Crybaby. Yea, I know. I am being pathetic. Has Johnny finished reading it? Is he still enjoying it? Several people have asked me recently how to find the book because they are interested in reading it, but nothing yet. Come on, come on...Impatient am I.

Well, the ironing board is calling me just the same as my characters. At least I don't mind ironing and I get results fairly quickly and it serves a near immediate need. it worth my time to bother writing my books? Yes, yes, and yes. I know. But still there is a logical path in day-to-day affairs and writing books is still technically a "hobby" and a sanity saver - not an action that serves immediate needs. My sanity is not at stake, currently. I have plenty enough to do as we all do, so partaking in a hobby is not feasible. I trying to talk myself out of it? My ego needs a jolly good stroke (my writing ego that is). I was pumped for a while that writing is my true path (or part of it) but feeling dismayed by the lack of continued sales. Get over it, LeMay. I am stuck between focusing on pushing THREE CROSSES and working on the next novel. I should do both, but really? My brain is racing with all the things I want to do and need to spend time working on. Get me off this hamster wheel!
:) Good day to all.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Reaction Line

Hey all! It's Monday...Monday. I added a reaction line below each post. Feel free to check any that applies:)
I would write something witty this morning but quite frankly, my brain is on a low charge right now. So maybe later I will plug the old brain in and get something witty or at least interesting out of it.
Can I get 3 hip-hip-hoorays! for organization? I know why its hard for people to get their homes organized though. The amount of money you can easily spend for organizational tools is scary. But alas! We have bit the bullet and I must say, what a difference! Functionality has found its way into my home.
It is that time - get ready for work. Where did the weekend go? Got a lot done though. And tonight...taxes. Wow! can't wait until I am posting about my book signings. That might be more exciting then taxes, huh? Although I suppose I will still be blogging about taxes then too, 'cause they ain't going anywhere!
Have a ducky day!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


A pageview from the UK! I'm getting around! (And no I don't mean that way, you sicko!)

Friday, March 18, 2011

would this be considered a LeMayism?

"If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?" - John Wooden

In theory, I like, appreciate, understand the above quote. In my backassward way, it's just an excuse to put it off. Why bother doing it at all if I don't have the time to do it right? Or let it drag on forever and ever beacuse, heck, I don't have the time to do it right, so don't bother finishing and presenting it as done. Keep on working on it because eventually it will be right. I might be 80 years old before it's right. So maybe the saying should be, "Do it right enough the first time, so you don't have to do it over again."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

playing with words...

Heaven’s never seen an angel like you
A little devil with a snap of your hip
You’ve got my head spinning…spinning again
A nightmare, you slip from my lips with every minute that’s ticking.

Will you forget that I broke your heart
If I pretend you didn’t pick our fights…yeah
Let me feel you breathing down on me
Make my dreams sweet tonight.

I shake my brain to let you go
But behind my eyelids, there you hide
A million miles away, I feel your breath dig into my skin…breathing down
My lips find yours across the map, forever kissing.

Will you forget that I broke your heart
If I pretend you didn’t pick our fights…yeah
Let me feel you breathing down on me
Make my dreams sweet tonight…every night.

Lay beside me and close your eyes
Start again, begin again. This time is goin work
Forever can start tonight, listen to the winds
My lips whisper your name with every day’s passing. 

Will you forget that I broke your heart
If I pretend you didn’t pick our fights…yeah
Let me feel you breathing down on me
Make my dreams sweet tonight.
So sweet…so sweet tonight.

Clock on my blog...

Just a general FYI: the posted times on my blog posts are way off. The one that I just posted says it is @ 11:18 am when it is actually 2:20 pm. Guess I need to figure out how to reset the blog clock. Hmmm? Something else to do.

Dejavu on lunchbreak

Have you ever considered that dejavu is not a product of psychological or psychic experiences but rather a genetic experience? What if our memories (and our ancestors' memories) are encoded or partially encoded onto/into our DNA and that DNA is then passed along the hereditary line? Scotland pulls at my heart and always has. Why? I've never been there and yet I have such a strong sense that I have been there. Maybe these Scotland dejavus that I expereince when I hear or see or smell certain things are because they are etched into my DNA. Maybe my great-great-great grandchildren will have the sensation that they were a writer in a past life. Maybe it wasn't their pastlife but rather a memory I passed along my DNA.

Oh I could continue this line of thought for a while because I have other thoughts along the same path, but alas my lunch break is close to ending.

Ciao for now

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Brain ramblings again...

A pageview from Iran! Wow! I knew about the one from Singapore and all the other ones are from the United States. Guess I am starting to get around. How is it that there are pageviews from Iran and Singapore? Accidentally came across the blog? What lead them here?

I put out a request on Facebook (yeeees...I visited Facebook) to get 100 more pageviews by the end of March. I think I will send out an email too. I did that yesterday and have gone from 117 to 134. Cool.

So I call this rep today to get some info from her and when she called me back she wants to know "what's this I hear about you publishing a book?" I asked her how she heard about it and she tells me that another rep told her about it. How awesome is that?! He apparently is spreading the word. She asked me to send her the link and then she emailed to say that she can't wait to check it out. Love it! Maybe the word will spread. Now hopefully she will enjoy it and want to pass it on.

Question for you, without consulting a dictionary, do you know the definition of "loquacious?" Let me know your answer. Just curious.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Smoking in the boys' room...

I feel a story coming on...
I love that scene in THREE CROSSES when Simon realizes that his mother put an ice cream sandwich in his lunch bag. Poor crazy Caroline. You know when Simon first materialized in my head, I saw him sitting under the pecan tree smoking a doob. No wonder, what with his history!

I hate that moment when I realize it is a great night for a fire in the fireplace and then seconds later I realize it's getting too late to bother.

Woof! Woof!

I keep my Fafafeelings to myself on Facebook and this here blog cuz if you take the leash off my neck, my bark will turn to a bite, vicious canine-tearing bites. And then I will have to be put down and that would suck.

This has noooothing in the world to do with my writing or THREE CROSSES but I feeeeel as if I should be putting more personal info on these sites and I don't because sharing my personal "stuff" for all eyes who puruse these sites just seems so terrifying to me. Paranoid?

Monday, March 14, 2011

more brain ramblings...

I really need to get with the times here. I just uploaded a picture to my Facebook account and accepted friend requests from multiple people. And I have had my Facebook account for a long, long time. Pretty sad. But I have to admit, I am completely inspired by a 26 year old named Amanda Hocking. She is a self-published author on epublications and has authored at least 17 books. How awesome is she?
I promise I will continue to play around with my pictures and my blog site so I can get some pix uploaded and create my profile (and get a better looking site).
I am getting more thumbs up on Facebook for THREE CROSSES! It's so much fun to see that. Another awesome review on Makes my heart pound when I read them. And a few more people are reading the book and I am getting the same reaction across the board - "I can't put it down."
Guess it's time to stop pretending (hoping) that I am an author and accept the fact that I can actually do what I love to do. Yeah, I know - I sound just a wee bit insecure. Duh! When it comes to writing, I'm not. When it comes to publishing, hell yes! I know, I know Pamela, you have been telling me for years (and years) that I am the real thing. Thank you by the way (again)   :)
Ok, once again, time to get into the job mode. I need to establish some goals here though: 1. work on blog site, 2.  revisit a novel that will become the second of my on-line publications, and 3. get proactive about some marketing for THREE CROSSES. I will let you know how it goes. Good luck to me. If I could just manufacture time, I would be golden (and rich if I could bottle that manufactured time!) Ciao for now.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Brain ramblings...

I wish I had more time to orchestrate some snazzy marketing. Yes, I said snazzy. Facebook is a great option for spreading the word that I am published. But I have so few friends on Facebook, because I hardly use it. It's even hard to post on this blog. I feel weird publishing personal stuff for anyone to view. But I don't mind discussing my writing. My head spins so often. There are so many stories I want to revise, so many new ones that I want to write. Characters want me to breathe life into them. I have short stories that need my attention. I know...everyone has a shortage of time.
As I am listening to the morning news about Charlie Sheen, I am hit with the idea that I should start a scandel. I bet that would boost sales and give THREE CROSSES some attenetion! Haha! I could create a story to sell a story. Hmmm...what kind of trouble could I invent? I am not famous (yet) so just having an extended tantrum like Sheen would do nothing or next to nothing.
Or maybe I could figure out a way to get my book into Stephen King's hand. I should say Oprah but that chick is busy and overloaded (not that Stephen isn't but no one is as busy with projects as O). Besides I still really like Stephen from what I know of him from afar.
Well, it is time to start my routine - sounds blah, huh?
I will post the links to THREE CROSSES on Amazon and BN later.
If you are checking this blog out - and I know you are because I have a fair amount of hits that are not me, feel free to comment. Lets get some traffic and conversation going.
Actually before I go, I had a thought the other day. I would like to invite book groups to read THREE CROSSES and then I would love to do a guest Q & A with the club. Anyone interested, let me know.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Sooo...the reason THREE CROSSES hasn't uploaded to the Kindle yet is because I did not follow through with all the steps. It is finally out of draft form and should be available at some point tomorrow. I have received a couple of comments and ratings on now and I love it! I love that there are people out there in the world reading my novel. Good Lord, I hope I don't embarass myself with bad writing! LOL! It's all fun anyway. I need to come up with some cool ideas/strategies for marketing THREE CROSSES. DF had some good points, so I have started to utilize Facebook but honestly, I seldom visit the site. But other people are posting comments and giving the ol' thumbs up.
Here's to getting my name out there as an author!! Hip hip horay (did I spell that write? Some righter I am! - yeah I did that on purpose:)