Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lunchbreak Lowdown

In true WIZARD OF OZ fashion, I acted like Glenda the Good Witch and had myself a whole bunch of munchkins this morning which means I am not hungry for lunch. So...I am blogging instead.

"Why munchkins?" You ask. We have a grandmother-to-be (as in hours away of becoming a grandmother) in the office and she is waiting patiently by the phone to get the news. She's on the east coast - the new baby is coming into the world on the west coast. Being up all night, she was in need of sustenance...thus the reason I have "We represent the Lollipop Guild...the Lollipop Guild...the Lollipop Guild" jingling in my head. By the way, is it lollipop or lollypop? Or is it one of those words that can be spelled either way? I personally prefer the "i" over the "y".

OK, enough with the flipping munchkins. Here's what is going on with my writing life - I have heard from a couple of agents who rejected THREE CROSSES; however, they actually contacted me to reject me vs. not acknowleging the rejection. This is a big deal. AND they rejected me by stating that it was a very difficult decision. They also said I was publish-worthy and had market appeal. So, despite being rejected, I feel pretty darn good. Besides, like I said, they didn't even have to bother responding at all. Oh yeah, they invited me to submit other manuscripts. Not bad, huh?

This summer is about writing short stories for competitions through Writer's Digest. I have submitted two thus far and have plans to complete two more. It's a great change of pace and who knows...maybe I will place in one of the competitions and will then have something wicked cool to put on my resume. Once the summer rolls on by, I will return to COVET (I just heard a small chorus of "Yippees") for editing and submission.

Ciao for now:)