Saturday, April 27, 2013

Three Crosses and the Next Title

I am happy to announce I have zeroed in on the next title for publication. A tough choice because I have so many books I have written and so many more I want to write. It's hard to dedicate myself to just one and stick with it. But I have learned a lot about the self-publishing world with this latest edition of THREE CROSSES and feel much more confidant with the process. I am not ready to divulge the title just yet - superstitious and all! But will in the near future.

In the meantime, I ask for your help. I need to get THREE CROSSES noticed to pave the way for the next book. My sales are very slow to come through at Amazon - so pass the word if you have read it or buy it if you haven't. The Kindle version will be out in the 1st half of May for those of you who prefer the e-versions. I will let you know once it is available to buy on the Kindle.

Having spent the majority of the day soaking up the sun's rays while working on the forthcoming book, I am now getting hungry. Time to start the grill! Yippee! Another awesome day in the land of my imagination. Doesn't get much better than that:-)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Reader's Response to THREE CROSSES

I received an email from Daniel - a 17-year old who recently read THREE CROSSES. He was in his art class where Pamela (the THREE CROSSES dedication recipient) is the teacher and he was complaining about how his girlfriend is always reading. Apparently he's not an avid reader. Pamela suggested he try reading THREE CROSSES and loaned him her copy. He needed some persuading, but Pamela convinced him that his girlfriend would be happy if he showed some interest in her favorite hobby. Lo' and behold, a reader was born ...

Once again persuaded by Pamela, Daniel sent me my first "fan letter" since the re-release of THREE CROSSES.

" I hate books but Pamela (his art teacher) kept telling me I would love your book cuz your friends and id like it. I like it a lot. I liked the people in it and thought *** (spoiler alert!!) was the killer. Denise (his girlfriend) is going to read it next."

I asked Daniel if there was anything else he liked about THREE CROSSES and he said "it was easy (to read) and awesome."

Daniel, thank you so much for the incredible compliment. Pamela, thank you for not only pushing THREE CROSSES but for converting a non-reader to a reader.

And there you have it ... me flying high:-)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Re-release of Three Crosses

Please visit and search C. L. LeMay. Ta-dah! The newly revised, edited, and updated Three Crosses is for sale as a paperback. The Kindle version will be available in a few days.

Hopefully there will be no more comments about the title needing a good editor. And now my mind is free to focus on the next novel. I will post updates on my progress of that title in the near future. I also will finally have my web page up and running in a few weeks. I will let you know when it is ready.