Good Morning! To say that I am in a good mood is a complete understatement. I found the voice to ABR last night. It's actually been coming for a couple of days. When I drive to work in the morning, I start to hear the voice coming in spurts. And yesterday evening and last night, it took on life. Not quite what I expected but then again, I really wasn't expecting anything. The story already exist but the details were lacking. Now it all makes sense. I can see the whole story from beginning to end. What an exhilarating experience! There was always a piece missing that connected the why of the story, but that is no longer the case.
I am certain this is directly linked to the fact that once again I have had a request for another of my novels. One of the readers of THREE CROSSES asked where she could get another one of my books. She is anxious to read more of C.L.LeMay. Boy, does that feel amazing. To think that what I soooo love to do actually makes people happy. Even if there are only a few people who take joy from reading my books/stories, the fact is I have a "fan" base building and they want more. It's not just for my enjoyment anymore. Can you tell I am in a semi-state of sheer joy/shock?
I always knew that ABR was Jackie's story but that missing component that I talked about - it's gone. It's as if I found the bridge and have crossed it. And if I could spend all of the next two weeks writing ABR, it would be completed. But alas, two weeks of nothing but writing is not in the cards (just yet anyway) so I will keep you updated on my progress and hopefully I will have the 1st draft completed no later than the end of September. At which time I will once again need volunteers to proof/edit. Sorry - it's a non-paying position but I would be more than happy to give you a paperback version of it when it comes out. If I keep the momentum going, perhaps I will have copies and e-books out before the end of the year. I will try not to get ahead of myself but I guess there is nothing wrong with having a goal.
Ok - going to walk the dog, punch out a few more pages of ABR, and then start on several projects I have listed for myself for the day. Ciao for now.
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