Monday, April 11, 2011

Declutter the Brain

Before I get started on the next segment of The Art of Writing, let me clear my head. I believe I have talked about this before. If I have, I apologize for the topic revisit. It's like there is all this junk buildup in my brain and before I can start writing something useful and creative, I have to purge out the crap. I have learned that the best way to do this is just to free write. Whatever comes to my brain. This is not a problem when I am on MS Word, because I can write whatever I want and then just press delete when all is said and done. I suppose I could still just delete this when all is said and done or just save it as a draft. But I kind of want to show you the process. But it also means I am doing some self-editing as I go along. Not everything that comes out of my brian is meant to be shared (and I am not saying this is unique to me or to writers - most of us in life have a whole bunch of crap floating in our head that needs not to be shared - but that doesn't mean  it shouldn't be purged out).
Remember that scene in WHAT WOMEN WANT where Mel Gibson's character hears the thoughts for the first time of the women he passes. It's this cacophony of "notes to self", self-beratings, self-encouragement, etc.etc. If you put all those separate voices into the head of one person, that would be my head. Kind of like how he experienced it. Bombardment of voices from every direction. And no, I am not schizophrenic (and yes, I had to look up the spelling because I couldn't even wrap my brain around the fact that the word started with an S - normally I know how to spell it but the mud puddle that is my brain today has a suction hold on my intellect.)
I could blog all day long. I get bored of the topic of C.L.LeMay after a while - I mean I live with her, so it's not that. But it is an excuse to write. Somehow it is easier to blog every day then it is to work on one of my books or a short story. Why is that? Because there is an end result? Because there is a time factor - direct correlation to there being an end result? Because I know that there are people who are reading this? Because I don't have to do much for editing? Because I am not putting a "real story" out there to be judged by others? In the end, it is simply the opportunity to write.
Ok - brainwaves are coming back into focus (thank you for your assistance, 2nd cup of coffee and all you little keys on my keyboard - well except for you X. I don't think I used you, except just now, ooooh and again in the word except. So thank all of you letters, including you, X). I think I have time to work on another posting of the art of writing...

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha! Not schizophrenic! Does anyone else notice that I refer to C.L.LeMay in the 3rd person? See...just by free writing, I stumbled across my wit, purely by accident. G*d, I love writing!!!
