Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I need your help...Please

I only have a few minutes to write this so let me get right to the point. ratings - they have gone from 5 stars to 3 stars overnight. I have 6 reviews that are all 5 stars. But  you can do separate ratings without doing reviews. I have 11 ratings suddenly overnight. I know from experience that it can be tricky doing the ratings. So I am assuming that someone was trying to do ratings on my behalf and messed it up. Either that or someone is trying to sabotage my ratings or maybe people are giving ratings that they feel are accurate. But in order for it to go from 5 to 3, there has to be a lot of 1 or 0 star ratings.

So my request...if you have not rated THREE CROSSES on, please do so. You may have to set up a B&N account in order to do it, but please, get everyone you know to do a rating (preferably 5 star rating).

Thank you for your help. I don't want my rating (especially if it is a false rating) to hurt potential sales.


  1. I will visit and give you a 5-star rating. Not just because you asked but because you are a 5-star writer.

  2. I will visit and give you a 5-star rating. Not just because you asked but because you are a 5-star writer.

  3. Thank you Lisa. I know this is your comment because you told me you were having trouble posting under your account. I greatly appreciate all of you who have gone on to rate at I probably should check the site and see how it's doing. Thanks again everyone.
