Monday, September 3, 2012

My Web Presence

I Googled C.L.LeMay to check my Web presence and was rather surprised by what I found. has ratings for me. Cool, right? Not so much. Why? Because my rating is low - not that I disagree with the comment "Needs a good editor." The e-book versions of THREE CROSSES are not representative of the actual manuscript. There are 2 problems - 1st is THREE CROSSES has been professionally edited since it was published in e-form and 2nd is my MS Word is outdated and when I upload to an e-publishing format or the paperback publishing format, the translation is jumbled, making the published versions of THREE CROSSES a mess.

Suffice it to say, I have unpublished the e-books. I greatly appreciate everyone who purchased a copy and once again apologize for the mistakes. Anyone who has read THREE CROSSES since I have edited it, please join and make a case for the improved manuscript and provide your honest rating of the book. Please and thank you.

As many of you know, writing novels is a great love of mine. It is very difficult at times to keep up the momentum to pursue publication for THREE CROSSES as the process is very mentally & time-consuming. I want to make a good impression on a prospective agent but find the task of writing a kick-ass query letter more difficult than writing a 400-page novel!

So if my Fairy Godmother is listening, I will do all the writing and editing if you would be so kind as to research agents and submit an incredibly terrific packet! Sounds good, doesn't it? But alas, if I just want to be an author, an author I am. If I want to be a published author, I best get a little more aggressive about the business of submission. I need to decide if being an author is enough for me. Just how badly do I want to be published?

As I write the last sentence, I realize I had great fun publishing A MIRACLE FOR MACKENZIE on my blog, albeit I stopped working on it after 7 or 8 submissions, but I still think about that book and look forward to getting back to it one day. I am toying with the idea of publishing through my blog. Hmmm? Not a money-maker, but heck, I get to keep doing what I love and my readers get to read my work. Of course I will have to decide which of the five novels I am actively working on will be the published novel. I guess the first step is to focus on one book. So hard to do when they each are pulling and tugging and clawing for my attention.
God, I love writing!

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