Wednesday, May 29, 2013

CLLeMay is on Wattpad

Wattpad is a great site for readers and writers. I just very recently discovered it and ask that all of my readers check it out. I am posting a paranormal thriller, RIVERCREEK CROSSING, chapter by chapter on it. Lots of fun.
In order to post comments or vote or like it on Facebook, have to join the site. But it's wicked easy to do and oh so worth it. There are thousands of stories to choose from and they are free! Or if you feel you are ready to put a story out there for the world to discover, it's a great platform for that.
So whether you are a reader or a writer or both, checkout Wattpad and search CLLeMay to find out what else I have cooking!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Too Violent

Too violent? Am I talking about a new horror flick? Nope. I'm talking about Three Crosses.
A friend came up with a brilliant idea and then set her idea into motion. She thought if we could get Three Crosses into a high school onto the summer reading list, it would be great exposure.  She managed to get it into the hands of the English head of dept in a local high school. The teacher was kind enough to read the back of the book cover and declared it too violent.
Oddly enough this doesn't bother me and I guess I agree with her. There's something intriguing about Three Crosses developing a reputation, even if it's that it is too violent.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Three Crosses on the Kindle and at BN

Imagine my surprise this morning as I looked up CLLeMay to get to my blog and behold ... Barnes & Noble has me on their site! Didn't even dawn on me that it would happen. That means I can go back to the store to speak to their small press manager about having them carry it in the store. Very cool!

And the reason I came here this morning? Three Crosses is now on the Kindle for all you e-readers!

Oh ... I am actively working on my website. If I keep doing all these extra things, I'm not going to have time to work on the next book. Time to consider a Cathy clone.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Writing and Research

One of the things I love about writing is the research that goes into the stories. For instance, in "ABR" (title is abbreviated because I am a nut about sharing my unpublished book titles), I researched the Vietnam Conflict because I have a character who was there. In "C", I researched architecture because the family home is a crucial component of the story. In "ER", I researched and continue to research a variety of topics, including Genesis from THE KJ HOLY BIBLE and the meanings of chakras. (The dictionary is telling me I have misspelled chakra, but my memory is telling me its correct.Do I bother to look it up?)
My research is sometimes from the Internet, or a book on the topic, or on occasion, interviews with people familiar with the topic.I love immersing myself in subjects that I am only vaguely familiar with simply because you can't not be familiar with the Vietnam Conflict or different architectural styles if you leave your house everyday. But my curiosity would keep me distracted all day if I let it. So at some point during my research, I have to accept that I will not be an expert on the token topic and fluff the details enough to give the impression that I know what I am talking about.
After reading THE SUMMER I DARED by Barbara Delinsky, I read an author's note (whether it was in the book itself or on her website or in a magazine article, I don't recall) regarding the details of raising angora rabbits for their fur (I think that was the animal - it's been a while.) The point I am trying to make is Ms. Delinsky wasn't born knowing about raising rabbits nor did she live on a rabbit farm growing up. She immersed herself into learning about the topic. The book wasn't about raising rabbits but it was a component of the story which gave it life. I could have easily assumed the author raised the little bunnies herself considering the ease in which she wrote about it.
But ... no amount of research will replace the good old fashion use of imagination, which will become abundantly clear in "ER." It's like me in the kitchen - I read a recipe but almost never follow the directions 100%-in the end, I still add to it or take from it depending on what I think will work or taste better.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Three Crosses and the Next Title

I am happy to announce I have zeroed in on the next title for publication. A tough choice because I have so many books I have written and so many more I want to write. It's hard to dedicate myself to just one and stick with it. But I have learned a lot about the self-publishing world with this latest edition of THREE CROSSES and feel much more confidant with the process. I am not ready to divulge the title just yet - superstitious and all! But will in the near future.

In the meantime, I ask for your help. I need to get THREE CROSSES noticed to pave the way for the next book. My sales are very slow to come through at Amazon - so pass the word if you have read it or buy it if you haven't. The Kindle version will be out in the 1st half of May for those of you who prefer the e-versions. I will let you know once it is available to buy on the Kindle.

Having spent the majority of the day soaking up the sun's rays while working on the forthcoming book, I am now getting hungry. Time to start the grill! Yippee! Another awesome day in the land of my imagination. Doesn't get much better than that:-)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Reader's Response to THREE CROSSES

I received an email from Daniel - a 17-year old who recently read THREE CROSSES. He was in his art class where Pamela (the THREE CROSSES dedication recipient) is the teacher and he was complaining about how his girlfriend is always reading. Apparently he's not an avid reader. Pamela suggested he try reading THREE CROSSES and loaned him her copy. He needed some persuading, but Pamela convinced him that his girlfriend would be happy if he showed some interest in her favorite hobby. Lo' and behold, a reader was born ...

Once again persuaded by Pamela, Daniel sent me my first "fan letter" since the re-release of THREE CROSSES.

" I hate books but Pamela (his art teacher) kept telling me I would love your book cuz your friends and id like it. I like it a lot. I liked the people in it and thought *** (spoiler alert!!) was the killer. Denise (his girlfriend) is going to read it next."

I asked Daniel if there was anything else he liked about THREE CROSSES and he said "it was easy (to read) and awesome."

Daniel, thank you so much for the incredible compliment. Pamela, thank you for not only pushing THREE CROSSES but for converting a non-reader to a reader.

And there you have it ... me flying high:-)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Re-release of Three Crosses

Please visit and search C. L. LeMay. Ta-dah! The newly revised, edited, and updated Three Crosses is for sale as a paperback. The Kindle version will be available in a few days.

Hopefully there will be no more comments about the title needing a good editor. And now my mind is free to focus on the next novel. I will post updates on my progress of that title in the near future. I also will finally have my web page up and running in a few weeks. I will let you know when it is ready.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

News from the desk of C. L. LeMay

Well, hello there stranger! Where have you been? Haha!
Picture me wagging my hand in a friendly "hi, I'm over here" gesture.
I have been busy on a project.

 And the anticipation builds...But alas, the disappointment sets in as author C.L. LeMay announces she will unveil her project in 3-4 weeks.
In the meantime, try reading a Barbara Delinsky novel. They are always a good read.
So check back in soon. I hope to dazzle you!