Thursday, September 15, 2011

Touching Base...

Wow, I actually found a few minutes to post. How the heck did that happen? Several quick things - I did send a happy birthday wish to The Poetry Guy but the email kicked back. Mom - please send me an email so I can make sure I have your most recent email address please. And Happy Belated birthday, Dad! And again, I need your links since I deleted the thousands of emails all at once in my mailbox recently. With your permission I would like to put the links on a post so others can read your poems.
Other news, the book club in CT is definitely moving forward with reading THREE CROSSES as their November book! How awesome is that?!!! Am I nervous you ask? Yuuup. But in a good way. I hope it reads as well as everyone says. Of course in my mind there are a million things (ok, maybe not a million) that I want to change in it. But that leads me to the next topic...
ABR - I am having so much fun with this book. It is so easy to write. The characters are basically writing themselves. Unfortunately I still have time limits but when I do write on it, I move along at a good clip. This weekend should get me ahead. I still project getting the final copy out into the world before the end of this year. And then perhaps I will return to A MIRACLE FOR MACKENZIE. It's a different type of story than I usually write, but it's got good potential. Of course I may completely change my mind about the next project. Haha! I do that occasionally.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cathy,

    Thanks for the Happy Birthday!

    I sent you an E-mail with the links, and your Mom's address.

    The Poetry Guy/Dad
