Wednesday, November 16, 2011

C.L.LeMay shares her favorite authors

I was pondering the fact that I have had a paperback next to my bed for a couple of weeks - unread. I have reread the 1st chapter a couple of times. The chapter is great and I am intrigued but I can't seem to get into it. I think it's because I am thinking so much about my own writings that I can't get very far in my reading. I love to read, many types of books, fiction and non. Mysteries, thrillers, love stories, women's lit, forensics (fiction and non), true crime - you get the jist. I like to read. As I was acknowledging this truth in my head, I realized that I want to share with you, my readers, which authors I have enjoyed the most and most consistently over the years. sweet, she wants to share. Now come along children, it's circle time.
C.L.LeMay enjoys...drum roll...Stephen King. Now there's a shock. But what can I say, the guy is talented, prolific, scary, imaginative. He molded my views at a young age as to what powers can be in the hands of an author. And yes...THE STAND is one of my most favorite stories of all time. Sorry, Stephen. I know you find it a little sad that one of your best if not your very best work was written decades ago. Also liked - don't remember the title of the short story, but the one where the guy was bitten by a snake and ends up in the coroner's lab - wow! My heart pounded. Btw, your son is an excellent writer as well. Kudos to the King family writers. Hi Tabitha! One day if I ever meet you guys I will tell you how COVET came to be - it involves me thinking about the two of you as a married writing couple and the potential crisis that could generate. But that's a story for another day.
C.L.LeMay also enjoys Pat Conroy - especially THE PRINCE OF TIDES. You, Mr. Conroy, taught me to write passionately and honestly. I cried, literally balled my eyes out while reading TPOT. I've read many of your other works and am rather in love with your story telling abilities.
C.L.LeMay also enjoys Barabara Delinsky. You are a fine writer with genuine characters and tight plots. THE SUMMER I DARED dared me to bring my writing to another level (especially in ALONG BLACK RIVER). You learn you settings well and educate your readers as well as entertain them. I also cried while reading your book THREE WISHES. It must have been a tough one to write. I also just want to mention that from time to time over the years in my different jobs, I have run into Mrs. Delinsky and she is absolutely a lovely human being. I think she is brave with her personal battle with cancer in the past (and hope it will always be in the past) and I wish you many many healthy wonderful writing years.
C.L.LeMay loved the book THE HISTORIAN by Elizabeth Kostova.
C.L.LeMay enjoys reading Jefferson Bass novels as well as the non-fiction Dr. Bill Bass & Jon Jefferson books. I love the forensics. I am utterly fascinated by it all and if I could start it all over, I would absolutely pursue a career in forensic anthropology (and I don't mean the TV drama version - I mean the real painstaking science) or be a medical examiner.
C.L.LeMay enjoys Reynolds Price but I have to be in the mood (yes, I know I am mixing 1st and 3rd voice). The guy knows how to bring me down, but he does it in a way that I feel enlightened. KATE VAIDEN was my first and my favorite for years until I read THE PROMISE OF REST. Another tear jerker - raw emotions. Be prepared to have your heart broken.
C.L.LeMay recently read George D. Shuman's LAST BREATH. I believe I have read other books by him but can't recall. Extremely impressed by the plot of this book. He amazed me with his skills.
C.L.LeMay adores THE WITCHING HOUR by...oh my God, I cannot think of her name! She wrote INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE. what the heck? I can't think of her name. I can see her face but am drawing a blank on her name!
And of course, there's DUNE. There are no words to describe what a fabulous book this one is. FRANK HERBERT was sheer genius.
There are many other books and authors I have enjoyed over the years. I will mention them in later posts, but quite frankly, I'm done here.
Thanks for reading. Pick up one of these titles soon and share your thoughts.

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